Duo First Aid Kit solta nova música para chamar a atenção sobre os problemas femininos no mundo


As irmãs Söderberg, Johanna e Klara, botaram suas vozes fofas e marcantes em uma nova música que visa a conscientização em cima das discriminações envolvendo as mulheres.

Aproveitando a simbólica data de 8 de Março, as cantoras suecas divulgaram “You Are the Problem Here”, com fortes trechos como “If you rape, you are the problem”.

Junto com a canção, as meninas soltaram um comunicado falando do approach da música e fazendo referência à data. A mensagem original pode ser vista abaixo, junto com a música.


“First Aid Kit’s Klara and Johanna Söderberg:

Today is the International Women’s Day and the theme of the year is #BeBoldForChange. “You Are the Problem Here” isn’t a typical First Aid Kit-song. It’s angry and direct. It’s a song written out of despair. After reading about yet another rape case where the perpetrator was handed a sentence which did not at all reflect the severity of his crime we felt upset and vengeful. We were, and are, sick of living in a society where the victims of rape are often blamed for the horrible thing that has been done to them. Our message is clear and should not be controversial in the least: if you rape, you are the problem. Alcohol is not the problem. So called “youth culture” is not the problem. You are. And you always have a choice.”


1 comment

  1. Essas meninas são demais..Fã desde a primeira vez que as ouvi há um bom tempo atrás…

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